Friday, July 19, 2013

How to Survive a Bear Attack
            Grizzly Bears and Black Bears are very different.  Grizzly bears are generally more aggressive and will be sure to hurt you.  If you see a bear, don’t just hang around to watch it.  Try to increase the distance.  Chances are, it will go about its own business.  Here is a list of Dos and Don’ts when confronted by a bear.
DON’T try to outrun the bear.  If it considers you a threat, it can and will run faster.
DO try to appear threatening. Put your hands above your head to make yourself appear larger.
DON’T hike alone.  If other people are present then they should also appear threatening.
DO separate yourself from all food items.  It might lose interest in you.
DON’T go hiking without any weapons.  Pepper Spray works well.  Make sure it is easy to reach.
DO pick a hiking area that is not secluded.
                The difference between Grizzly bears and Black bears is obvious.  Grizzly bears are brown and black bears are black.  DUH.  Like I said before, Grizzly bears are more aggressive.  No matter what animal though, be sure to keep your distance.
Here is a link to a story about a Grizzly Bear Attack.

Nothing in the wild wants to be messed with.   STAY AWAY FROM THEM AND THEY WILL STAY AWAY FROM YOU.  Unless you see a Mountain Lion.  Then you will die. That is because they are naturally aggressive.


GRIZZLY BEAR  (I know the baby is adorable)

NEXT WEEK:  Mountain Lions

1 comment:

  1. Ha! This reminds me of when it was the summer when I was entering the 7th grade and I remember how I went to this camp where it required that we do some hiking. I was a little paranoid and kept asking my best friend, who I still get a long with and is visiting India right now (I miss her SO much!), about if a bear attacked us. She told me to not smile (that would look like bearing your teeth) and just try to walk away from the bear. Like Animallover2001 says, DO NOT RUN. It will make the bear chase you. Thanks for reminding me of my good ol' pal and giving me some advice as to what to do if a bear is chasing you. Keep dreaming, writing, and reading! Bookworm 2414 Check out my blog at!
